In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Elements (Phases, Movements) are used as ways of understanding the natural world and our place in it. They are metaphors that help us come to know ourselves, the energetic patterns in the body and the interactions between organ systems.

GEMS classes have long used the Elements as a gateway to the inner workings of the body. Now, the GEMS College of Energy Medicine uses them as a gateway to your path of study and experience. Each Element Path is geared towards working with a certain type of client towards specific goals. While you are welcome to mix and match classes and workshops, aligning yourself with a specific path can help you:

  1. Determine the best courses to help you meet your goals.
  2. Provide you with a Mentor who is an expert in the field.
  3. Match you with a cohort of people with similar goals so you can help each other to level up.
A brief summary of the Elements:
Air: Central and surrounding everything. For those who have just begun their journey or who don’t want to specialize yet. Focus is on TFH as a foundation.
Fire: Courage and joy – focus is on working with mental health, emotional balancing and psychology.
Earth: Nurturing and centering – focus is on care-giving roles, nutrition and grounding.
Metal: Insight and refinement – focus is on brain integration and education.
Water: Philosophy and metaphysics – focus is on energetic systems, dimensional realities and mystery
Wood: Strength and flexibility – focus is on working with athletes, physical performance and physical injury.

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