The Air Element is not a true part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but is a useful construct for us to understand the space surrounding the other elements. Here, it is defined by the characteristics of the Conception and Governing Vessels and ideas of total body/mind/spirit alignment.

The Air Element is a home for those who have not yet decided on a path for work and study, who are simply looking for a foundation, or who want to sample a bit of everything right now! The focus is on balance, basics and foundational knowledge.

Phase One:

  • Touch for Health 1-4
  • Touch for Health Metaphors and Goal Setting
  • GEMS Flow
  • Basic Anatomy and Physiology
  • GEMS Intro to Nutrition

Phase Two:

  • GEMS Intro to Business
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • HeartSpeak
  • K-Physis Foundation


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