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Course Description

Sips 8, explores the mystery of the Universe and our place within it. An orderly and harmonious Universe is more aptly described as the Cosmos. Sips 8, encompasses our relationship with the Cosmos via the Cosmic Plane and associated amperage & resistance points. Sips 8, completes the Sips Energy Model providing further insight into the nature of our being.

Sips 8, introduces us to a fascinating brain chemical called DMT (dimethyltryptamine). Research indicates DMT regulates our everyday perception of reality and therefore plays a major role in the regulation and integration of the CNS via the Pineal.

Sips 8, introduces “The Micro Crystal System“. Recent research has discovered billions of biogenic magnetite crystals located within the plasma membrane of cells in the brain and body. Magnetite crystal is the first truly novel material to be discovered as a biochemical precipitate in human tissues since the dawn of medical science and is also the only known metallic compound to be made by living organisms. Magnetite crystals possess the highest electrical conductivity and therefore magnetic potential of any cellular material. As piezoelectric oscillators, their role in the reception, storage and transmission of information within the cell, from cell to cell and throughout the body is without bounds.

The concept of “The Pineal Brain” demonstrates the far reaching role this tiny yet fascinating organ plays in all our energy and biological systems. A Pineal Alignment Protocol (PAP) is presented.

Learning Outcomes

  • The Human Defence System, including the Lymphatic & Immune Systems is covered in detail and is an invaluable addition for healing, repair and immune imbalances.
  • The functional relationship of the Pineal and the Immune System is also explored as the crux of a sophisticated immunoneuroendocrine network.
  • The subject of DMT requires a detailed look at amino acids, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and the role of the pineal relative to brain function, the CNS and consciousness.


SIPS classes are either taught in-person or online at a specific time with an instructor. Students will be expected to have cameras on and someone to work with for this class (the instructor can offer more details about what times you may need a partner.) While you can register for the class using the button on the right, you may wish to check the Events page to see when this class is running next.

Course Features

  • Lectures