Liz Elia (she/her)
Liz has been a specialized kinesiology practitioner since 2011. She left the field of Public Health to explore the possibilities of Energetic Health- focusing on helping people to achieve emotional balance and mental clarity through yoga, reiki, and meditation. In seeing the benefits unfold in her own life, Liz began a search to find out more. That is when she discovered Crossinology Brain Integration- a form of specialized kinesiology taught by Susan McCrossin. After 5 years of solely practicing this, she once again sought to learn more. She became certified in Touch for Health, SIPS, LEAP, Joint Anchor Technique, and more.
Liz’s practice focuses on bringing her clients to a place of emotional stability, acceptance, and growth. She loves the ability to continue learning new modalities to bring into her practice. Outside of working with people individually, Liz teaches Reiki, Yoga, and Touch for Health. Liz lives in the Boston area with her partner and 2 kitties. When she is not working, you can find her at the beach or in the woods, loving up on Mother Nature.